So, while looking for some old papers to help me fill out my ISC application, I came across my blessing book that I kept the summer of 2005.

(fyi: a blessing book is something I decided to keep because Emily was doing it. It's just a daily list of things that made me happy)

Some of these, I really don't remember, or know what they mean. But boy are they funny.

-Camper wanting CPR from Brad
-Being one of Colin's "favorite staff members"
-Folding Jarrod's laundry (bahahaha...)
-Refreshing after-taps breeze and a cabin of awesome girls (we really did have a cabin of all-stars that week, including Ginger and Catherine, Nicole Bieber, Rebekah Byram, Jacquie Goeking and Susan Jennings. And Kendall Tetsworth! How were we not honor cabin!?)
-Storybook Names, including "Garby in the Dark" and "Debbie and the Ham"
-Wash sheds and girly talks with Rachel
-Singing in the wash sheds with Bristol
-Emily taking care of me when I needed it
-Visiting Leah at the waterfront
-"I'm gonna Amram your house"
-"Audrey's mother is Santa."
-"You know what they say... you can't forgive a pheasant." -Aaron
-Dan Breeding: There are two types of Alligators-- American and...
 Some Kid: FRENCH!!!
-"Bowl of Health"- I think that was from Rachel, because she is encouraging and sweet and gift-give-y.
-Flowers from Sherry
-Garby and Garbetta playing carpetball
-Malibu Garby
-Howling at the moon
-Talking to Leah about life
-CIT porch time with Alex and Elizabeth (remember when we could actually sit on the porch with our CITs?)

Dangit. I just miss the community, the fellowship and the encouragement from that summer. Things kind of changed after that year, but it was really beautiful. I think that's how we are meant to live as believers, in a loving community with each other, looking out for each other, laughing and growing with each other. 

What a good chapter in my life. I hate that I can't go back to it. But I guess it's on to other adventures, other experiences of Christlike community, acceptance and beauty.

With love and being a sentimental schmuck,


  1. Emerly Sue on May 17, 2009 at 10:59 PM

    I can always remember Moses's dad's name now thanks to Abby. Someday when I'm [not] on jeopardy, maybe I'll win because of that.

  2. Bristol on May 18, 2009 at 2:44 AM

    Ahhh! I wish we could go back too. Sometimes I wonder if my life will ever be quite THAT consistently good again. haha.

    I miss you megan finger! I can't wait to see you soon!

  3. Emerly Sue on May 18, 2009 at 1:23 PM

    bahaha, Debbie and the Ham!