Farmer's market, originally uploaded by Farfalla Fiorentina.
(I went to the Farmer's Market on Saturday. It was magical. Like in the ranks with Disney World. I just think there's something so earthy and beautiful about farmers bringing together produce that they planted, nurtured and harvested from their own land.)

This evening has been dedicated to trying to figure out a design/theme and logo for my website and blog.

It's the first step in my "Don't Be Afraid of Failure" plan. Today I finished editing photos from the second wedding I ever shot. They weren't stellar, and I was bummed. I realized that, if I want to get anywhere, I need to be willing to throw myself out there and make mistakes so I can learn and fix them! Holding back is a sure-fire way for me to stay mediocre.

So. I am taking the advice of some lovely people and sprucing up my website, creating an Etsy page to sell prints, and establishing a logo and cohesive theme for my little fledgling business, if you can even call it that.

With love and establishing myself as an artist or photographer or something,