This shirt is coming to me and I am so freakin' excited. And, even better, it's called Fail.

I'm so giddy with glee right now.

Also, can I tell you about a dream I had when I accidentally fell asleep this afternoon? (Sidenote: I'm so fatigued lately! What is the deal, body?) Anyway... I went to what was apparently a UNC basketball game (it took place in a high school gym and fully resembled a high school game-- very few spectators, kind of dark, crappy lighting). I went with a girl from my Bible study, who is very sweet and kind of quiet. So I got there, and sat down with her when I saw a boy that I have a pretty big crush on, sitting in the front row. So I went up to say hi, and ended up sitting there for the remainder of the game, being all flirtatious and putting my head on his shoulder, knowing that he liked me back. At the end of the game, I had this feeling like, "Am I forgetting something? Oh yeah, didn't I come here with some girl?" And I couldn't for the life of me remember her name. I looked back, and she was standing in the back row, all alone with coat in hand, looking incredibly lonely and disappointed. I had been full of this giddy happiness (from spending time with this boy) and suddenly had this horrible sick feeling in the pit of my stomach. Then I woke up, remembering these details of the dream. Immediately I wrote it down in my journal, and at the end, I wrote, "May I never be so selfish as to neglect those I am called to bless in order to gain something for myself."

That was really wordy and written in sleepy writing. But seriously. If I live in a way that just makes me happy, what kind of person am I? What does that say about me and my purpose and the God I claim to love and follow? 

It seems like a really silly dream, but it hit me hard. I can't forget that I exist to serve God and love people. I mean, really love them and sacrifice for them to know that they are loved. I anticipate that God will lead me to a life of beauty and adventure, but if I neglect to be His disciple, my life is nothing.

With love and fruit/granola/yogurt/yumminess,


  1. Bristol on February 18, 2009 at 2:23 PM

    ohmygosh. you obviously need to update me on your life ASAP. who's the boy!??!!

    ahh, i miss you megan. haha. come visit me.

  2. Anonymous on February 28, 2009 at 2:21 PM

    Yes megan! who is el boy? which in no way is intended to sound like elbow...haha