Hey, blogspot.
So, I'm back in the States, and it's taken a lot of getting used to. I learned a lot this semester, and I almost feel like I've stepped back in time being here again. Everything is just the same as when I left it. I am not the same. And I still don't have clarity about my life. It will be ok.
I can't believe that in a year, I'll have to be making decisions about my future-- big decisions. Africa for a few months? Grad school? Work at a paper or magazine? None of the above?
If you have read any of my blog entries as of late, then you have probably noticed I'm redundant about my life. But I keep thinking about it. And this is my blog. So there.
Struggle as of late: I have never really been able to escape a burden for those who need help desperately but can't get it... children in slums of inner cities, people deep in African wilderness dying of AIDS. That burden will always be with me. So if I end up living a somewhat comfortable lifestyle, does that make me selfish? Materialistic? If I want to raise a family, send my children to good schools and provide abundant opportunities for them, am I neglecting the need that exists elsewhere?
I need to hit my journal-journal. I haven't prayed NEARLY as much as I should lately. It's so stupid to not take advantage of the opportunity to be close to God. Really stupid.
And I'm all gross and pimply. Seriously, wasn't acne supposed to be over when I turned 18?!? It's like it's making up for lost time. No, grazie.
I have lots to do tomorrow!
With love and things to think about,