But I thought this would be fun. So I did it. 

I'm also in my kitchen making tea while typing this. It makes me feel grown up somehow.
Anyway, here is what you do: for all of these questions, type in the answer to flickr and pick a picture from the first three pages. Then copy-paste those hyperlinks here, and you've got yourself a fun little mosaic going on!

1. Name: Megan
2. Favorite food: pasta
3. Current town: Chapel Hill
4. Favorite color: yellow
5. Celebrity crush: John Krasinski (don't make fun. I just have an irrational desire for Jim Halpert to be a real person.)
6. Favorite drink: Peppermint mocha
7. Dream vacation: Glendalough, Ireland
8. Favorite dessert: tiramisu
9. What I want to be when I grow up: a blessing
10. What I love most in the world: Jesus
11. One word that describes me: dreamer
12. My username: farfalla fiorentina (on flickr), but that turned up nothing so I just typed "farfalla"

hooray! Ok, the goal is bed by 11. Go!

With love and trying to recover my voice to sing for juries tomorrow,


  1. Andrew Miller on December 4, 2008 at 2:12 PM


  2. Andrew Miller on December 5, 2008 at 2:52 AM

    one more reason to love relient k.
