(UL is short for
Undergrad library, son.
Minus the "son" part.)

I'm really tired.
It is only 10:30.
Seriously, what?

Ten pages to write.
Operant Conditioning,
I so hate your guts.

Here's who I don't hate:
Cheddar the rat, my subject
for this dang paper.

Cheddar isn't real.
He's a little "cyberrat."
I conditioned him.

He can press a bar
Like thirty times a minute
Just to get water.

Kind of impressive
For a little computer
rat simulation.

My iPod's playing
Maroon 5, so I'm calmer.
K, this is the end.

with love and a sleepy stupor,

1 Comment

  1. Emerly Sue on December 10, 2008 at 2:33 AM

    Cheddar the rat?