And with my mind whirling about in that darkness, watching blurred headlights drift down 15-501, "Merry Christmas" echoed softly, over and over on the radio, which I had turned way down. My heart just sighed (if that's even possible). It was like flopping down into bed after a really long day-- your muscles ache, and the only thing you can do is exhale. That Jesus came into this depraved world to redeem it, to pierce this darkness with His birth, and His life, by loving people and giving everything for them-- this is beauty overcoming horror.
I needed this kick with the gospel. I feel myself going backwards lately, and I can't seem to manage to move forward in my relationship with God, despite my efforts and pleas for dedication to spend time in the Word. I'm so weak right now. This needs to change. So much!
With love and a Christmas candle,
It is heart breaking to see how sin is so intimately in the world, but so often we forget about it entirely. When we weep for sin, I think that we are right on par with God's heart.