Today was the Monday-est Monday I've had in a while.

1. Didn't give myself enough time to get ready in the a.m. Also didn't get enough sleep, and I'm crampy and fighting off the remnants of a cold.
2. Went to pick up a friend at the airport. Flight was delayed nearly 2 hours.
3. Had to leave the airport before my friend arrived, because I was supposed to give a presentation at noon. Felt really awful about it.
4. Sped to campus, went to class and learned that I was going to present Wednesday instead (bittersweet).
5. Didn't bring an umbrella to class, so I got pretty soaked on the way back to my car.
6. After a workout class later in the day, the rain finally really defeated me. We're talking, face down on the mat, down for the count. It's over. No umbrella again, and I just gave up running and walked the 10 minutes to my car, getting drenched. It actually was kind of nice. Therapeutic, maybe. But still.

What a Monday. 
Now I have to write a paper.

With love and tea and a piece of nutella toast (mmm),