is a night of nail-painting, closet-cleaning, new-music-listening, photo uploading, scrubbing the I-got-three-hours-of-sleep-and-slept-on-airport-seats-during-the-layover off of me.

This weekend of glorious not much of anything is the perfect way to end spring break (my last, can you believe it?) 

Graduation is in two months. Two months. The thought makes tears well up in my eyes because, just like those stupid adults said, it has gone by so fast. In a blink, really, I flew through four years of college. I went from a tiny girl who did always as she was told-- no opinions of her own-- her world so small, to a "young adult," full of insatiable wonder and ready for an adventure, making her OWN decisions (finally) and learning how to do things on her own.

Spring break was wonderful. It started with a lovely day at the beach/in Wilmington-- the beach was freaking cold, with Emmy Sue, and early Monday I drove with Kathryn to Charlotte to fly to Detroit to fly to Orlando to see Laura. We went to allll of the Disney parks and experienced all of the magic and fairytales possible, along with venting our big-girl frustrations and sharing our I-don't-know-what's-happening-in-May thoughts. 


But seriously, I cannot wait to have a little family (no kids under 5) to take to Disney World. It is so freaking magical, I can hardly stand it. I looveee iiiiitttt!!!!

(But, by 'cannot wait,' I mean I can totally wait severalll years. Kids, bah!)

LAST THING. I downloaded an album by Needtobreathe, and it is nice. I haven't downloaded much of any Christian music lately because it all sounds like it should be played on K-Love. *shudder* I don't know why that irritates me, but it does. So, seriously, for the past several months, I have done the "K-Love test" on all Christian albums. This album could potentially be played to white upper-middle class families, but I like it. So I bought it and will just have to get over it.

Thanks, you nice blog reader, for sticking through my ramblyness. You're the best.


1 Comment

  1. nancy ray on March 16, 2009 at 12:39 PM

    haha how much do i love this post!

    i can't wait to have kids... but kids, bah!

    k*love - shudder!

    my thoughts exactly. :)