I used to wonder why you couldn't feel the world turning, and why when you jumped in the air, the earth didn't scoot over a few inches before you landed on the ground. Growing up was the same way. You don't feel it happening, but it does. I used to have a pair of green and purple slip-on canvas shoes with a picture of Ariel from The Little Mermaid on them. They were too big, and for weeks I would try them on again, just to find that they were still too big. A few weeks later, I tried them on again, and they were too tight to even wear.

This chapter of my life (college and such), for the first time, I really feel myself growing. I can point out milestones, things that make me stronger and events that spurred me on to even bigger things. Changes in thought and opinion, horizons broadened. I really like it. I haven't consciously been aware of my growing up before now. It's always just flown by, unnoticed until I observe myself in retrospect.

Yesterday, I did photography for my first official event-- a 50th wedding anniversary party. It went pretty well, minus the fact that my favorite lens is broken (hopefully not irreparably), and I'm really sore. It felt good, though, to be doing something purposefully, knowing that it was preparing me for bigger things.

Tomorrow, I move in to my new apartment. I had a semi-crisis trying to decide what color to paint my room. I was set on green, but now am deciding between a really pretty blue-green and a light purple. We'll see. I also bought this freakin awesome mirror from World Market. I'm kind of super-excited. Yay for a new place!

I'm starting my last year of college. It makes me feel like I've missed out, for some reason. I don't have any concrete, unforgettable Carolina experiences. It's just been this lifestyle I've gotten used to. I think I'm going to have to consciously soak up Chapel Hill this year.

With love and beginnings/endings,

1 Comment

  1. racherie on August 13, 2008 at 12:03 PM

    your photography is beeeeeautiful!