Today, I sat in the Viscom labs from 2 p.m. to 1:30 a.m. I did not leave the building. And I only left the room twice-- once for water and once to talk to the wonderful Emily, whom I love. But this was an eerie experience, and this is why:
1. The viscom labs are in the basement. Zero sunlight down there. So it's freakin weird to go in while the sun is high, to leave finding the world pitch black. It's like a weird time warp. Was I really just in the same room for eleven hours?
2. You start seeing crap when you stare at a computer screen for that long. I swear there were little gnats flying around, but every time I looked up, they weren't actually there. What the?
3. After leaving the labs and walking to my car, I passed girls dressed all scantily-and-club-like. I realized they were going home. I just left the labs and these people have already partied themselves out and are going to bed. I feel somewhat cheated.
4. Campus is just eerie that late at night. No one is around. At all. Anywhere. I thought, "What if I were to get attacked?" No one would hear me. But at the same time, I bet the killers are all at home asleep. (I will also have you know that I went over potential counter-attacks in my head, thanks to Self Defense class. Finishing move: eyes, nose, throat, groin, or knee! Be aware of your environment! Momentum and leverage! Attack the weak point of the grip!)
That's enough.
5. I was waiting outside of the dining hall for someone to bring my OneCard back when this girl starts walking by me, but then she up and starts running! I know that I looked kind of rough today with the ponytail and lack of makeup, but do I seriously look so bad as to give the impression I'm going to kill you and you need to run for your life?!

Also, we established that energy-efficient lighting = rape-efficient lighting. Energy-efficient bulbs just are less bright. That's all there is to it. You can't see anything.

Thus concludes my late-night-campus-adventures. I am completely certain there will be more to come.

With love and not even wanting to look at a computer (except I am right now, and I'm going to sell them for nine hours tomorrow),