I went to campus tomorrow and went to the music building practice rooms and just sang and played piano?

I don't want to be one of those graduates that just friggin' can't let go of being a student and therefore stalks around campus being all creepy and old.

But for reals. I miss Chapel Hill/Carrboro.

I google imaged "creepy old student" and THIS came up. Really?!?!

On the list of things to accomplish tomorrow:
FIX MY BUDGET. Holy crap. I haven't kept track of it at all for the past, oh, two weeks.
Go to the dentist. Hope I don't have any crazy problems. It's been about two years... eek!
Read a bunch while visiting Cafe Driade for what I'm expecting to be a pretty fantastic latte.
Wear fun clothes that I can't normally wear to work under a bright florescent 'avert your eyes' orange t-shirt.

With love and weird ominous swollen lymph nodes,


  1. Emerly Sue on November 4, 2009 at 12:16 PM

    I vote: as long as you don't LOOK creepy and old, go for it!

  2. michael on November 6, 2009 at 3:21 PM

    So how was Cafe Driade?