I'm sitting outside at a bus stop in the rain. My bus doesn't come for another half hour. And my surroundings are really peaceful and I've been so stressed today, so this is wonderful.

And it just got more wonderful because there's a rainbow.

Let me paint the atmosphere for you: I'm at an outdoor bus stop under a dirty overhang. It's been raining, but it's reduced to sprinkles now, and the air is still really thick and clean with rain. I can see the light of a really beautiful sunset on the tops of buildings... it's a deep orangey yellow. There's a faint rainbow directly in front of me. My feet are wet in my leather flip flops (I did not plan well for this weather).

And I can breathe. I had a project due tonight and a test tomorrow, both of which have been consuming my mind all day. It's so nice just to sit, and be in the midst of beauty, even if I'm weird and beauty takes the form of rain and wet bricks and a rainbow partially obscured by the social work building. This is just a really good moment. I don't know.

And there's no one around me, so I can hum and sing softly a tune that's been in my head all day.

I like documenting these really peaceful moments.

With love and wet feet,


  1. Emerly Sue on July 10, 2008 at 1:29 AM

    This was nice.

  2. Emerly Sue on July 10, 2008 at 1:42 AM

    ps. I think you'd like this blog.
