Don't tell anyone, but I'm totally at home in pj's, doing laundry and catching up on The Office and Fringe. I neeeeed this night.

I went to Greensboro this weekend to see my favorite Emily on the planet. I just love Greensboro so freaking much!!! I think it's the artsy culture everywhere. I need to spend more time in Carrboro.

It was so nice not to work today. I love Apple, and I love being around the people at work, but it was so great just to get away for a Saturday. I feel like I never am able to just up and go anywhere. It's always strictly scheduled, always arranged whenever I can possibly fit it in. I don't like that. I don't like being in class for 21+ hours a week. I don't like working 18 hours on top of that. And I don't like having to squeeze in photo shoots and lab time on top of THAT. Hopefully next semester won't be too bad. I can't do choir, which is a bummer, but it will free up a lot of my time. I'll be done with my psyc major after this semester, and I only have 2 required classes left, meaning I get to take two electives and then have only 12 hours!!!! Hellooo graphic design and studio photography!

Emily brought up a really good point this weekend that we don't have to pick just one thing to do after college. We can do as many things as we want. That's such a relief. I feel like I have to know what I'm going into, what I am going to commit myself to after school. That's so not true! Those fifteen potential careers/locations posted on my door-- I can do all of them if I really want to (it might take a while, but whatever).I wish I was more creative. And I wish I set aside more time to write and play and sing and just do what makes me happy-- to exercise my creativity. I feel really stifled lately. I'm worn out and it's just not in me to pour out more of myself into creative things. Even photojournalism has begun to be a chore for me. I hate that. It's another thing to get done, not necessarily to dwell and grow in.

As sad as this is, I want this semester to be over. I love all of my classes, but I'm spread so thin that I can't even really enjoy it.

But nights like this are good, and I just now felt a sudden burst of creativity, so I sat and wrote what may be a poem, maybe a song. It's really good to have sudden creative flow like that.

Yay. Tonight was not wasted.

So now I might go write some more or read or just do anything except be on this computer! Boo internet. Boo.

With love and laundry,


  1. Nancy Ray on September 28, 2008 at 12:57 PM

    oh megan we're so much alike. i've always known that, but i realize it again and again when i read your thoughts!

    i want to read that list of careers on your door!

  2. Emerly Sue on October 6, 2008 at 12:22 AM

    I'm glad you came. And I'm glad we don't have to pick just one thing to do for the rest of our lives. Of course, if we like that thing we pick, we can choose to do it 50 years. Suddenly, the pressure is gone. (: