I was so encouraged to wake up with an email from a lovely lady serving the Lord overseas. In it was this quote, which made me think a lot.

"Make your day one in which God gets your best so that others share in the rewards of your devotion. Let the thoughts and intents of your heart be shaped and guided by time spent in His presence. David often talked about how discouraged or fearful he would become at times. Then he would interject these words, "But then I entered the sanctuary..." Being in God's presence affects all other relationships for the better." -Ravi Zacharias

I think this should be my primary goal for this semester. My relationships with people are so important to me, and honestly I've done a sucky job of being a blessing lately. More importantly, I've been really bad at blessing God lately with my efforts and my time. With my thoughts and lack of prayer. Prayer will be my focus in the new year, I think. 

Bristol is going to Spain in five days. I am so excited about this. She is fantastic and beautiful, and she is so going to thrive in Espana. Life abroad is so thrilling. I'm hoping to create new memories and expansion of my horizons (abroad or not) after I graduate. I'm really, really excited about the possibility of moving to Stockholm. Even if this Apple job doesn't work out, I think I'll work for a while, save up money and just move there. Maybe not long-term, but that city is consuming my mind lately. It is especially... special to me because there was a moment in worship a few weeks ago when I realized I was not acknowledging the Lord in my planning (bad move, dude). And the instant I surrendered those thoughts and plans to Him, Stockholm jumped into my mind, sort of out of the blue. The last time that happened, it was with Florence study abroad. We'll see, but it's definitely one of the primary things on the table right now.

I would totally want to live in SoFo. Cafes and art and fashion? Count me in, please!

Also, ignore the ridiculous expression on that chick's face.

My current music obsession is Missy Higgins, especially the song "Sugarcane." I have a huge list of musicians to explore, thanks to Emily and Pandora Radio.

On the list of things to do today: keep reading, watch Gilmore Girls a lot, take a walk, clean out my car. 

Go, go, go!

with love and loving this (maybe) last stint at home, which makes me sad,