Because my little corner of the internet is for me, really. And I like getting things out into words.

My room is clean. That never happens. And I've finally hung up my string of flower lights, and I can see the floor, and life is good.

I finished The Unbearable Lightness of Being. Sometimes I thought it was brilliant, and sometimes I thought Czech authors are weird.

Now I'm reading The Time Traveler's Wife so I can go and watch it having read the book, even though the book will be better than the movie.

I am a firm believer in using images to tell a story (Hi, My name is Megan, and I'm a photojournalism major), but I think that descriptive words often help you imagine a place or a feeling better than an image can. The image just lays it out in front of you, but words immerse you and make you construct an image in your head. You're actually there-- you build the setting around yourself. I have this eerie image of the moors of England because I read The Hound of the Baskervilles, and in my mind I stood and watched events unfold upon the dark, dewy, foggy, lonely moors of England. But I don't think that you could ever recreate that image in my mind by showing me a photograph or a movie clip, no matter how foggy and eerie and mysterious it looked.

I like books.

With love and string lights,

1 Comment

  1. Emerly Sue on August 25, 2009 at 12:45 AM

    I'm glad you can see YOUR floor. (: