Seriously. I just spent about an hour talking with my mom about my options. I am really thankful for her, because she thinks like me. But I feel like money shouldn't matter as much as it does. You know? Why should currency define which of your dreams are feasible?

God's bigger than money. I know.

Right now I'm listening to Eisley and others on Pandora and loving it. This is debatably my favorite Pandora station. I'm in my house, or parents' house, whosever it is. I'm toying with a trial of ShowIt Sites (I have been stalking Jasmine Star's blog pretty religiously, which is where I learned about ShowIt), and I only have eight days left of the trial and have had no time to play with it. If anything, I can get some design ideas that I can emulate in Flash. But Flash is really complicated, especially if I want to update my site kind of frequently. 

I am trying really hard to go to the Galapagos with my photojournalism program this summer. It would be such an incredible opportunity, with professional coaches and a team of people working on one stellar multimedia project (here's the project from Thailand last year). I'm also trying to go to a photojournalism conference in Texas at the end of February. With funding from the J-school and my parents' flyer miles, I think I can afford to go. It's with Southwestern Seminary and it's a gathering of a ton of Christian photojournalists talking and learning about photojournalism as it relates to NGOs and missions. I am so stoked at the prospect of going to this.

I am realizing that I am totally going to miss the perks of being a student: reduced rates on tons of stuff. Rental camera equipment (lights, lenses, camera bodies). Access to all of this knowledge and accomplished people who can mentor you. Dang. I'm going to miss the academic atmosphere of Carolina. I like walking on north campus, and studying in Graham Memorial, because it makes me feel like I go to an Ivy League school. 

Life is funny. I always wonder what it would have been like if I had gone to college up north. I was going to apply to Sarah Lawrence, but then decided just to apply to N.C. State and Carolina. If I could go back, I would have just applied to everywhere. Tons of schools. Just to explore the what-ifs fully.

This whole photo-a-day thing really might not last very long. I can't decide if it's better to be diligent about updating and putting photos up, or if it's best to update more sparingly when I have something worthwhile to say, with a photo I'm particularly proud of. At least I have a pretty broad bank of photos to draw from when I don't feel like taking a new one.

This is where I'd like to be at this moment. 

Hiking among the Cinque Terre. Warm weather. The Mediterranean. Sunning myself on a rock by the sea like a lizard. Count me in. Anyone want to join me?

With love and realistically exploring my career options (this is where financing and all that fun stuff comes into play),