I love this photograph. A lot. I really want to get a lot of books read this summer. I'm in the middle of A Tree Grows in Brooklyn, which I like a lot-- I think? There are SO many books I feel like I must read in order to be a well-rounded person.

Two things have been on my mind: ready?

1. I am tired of technology. I know technology is my friend and all, but I just wish I could escape it. Whatever happened to snail mail and phone calls? I really wish it wouldn't damage my life to just give up internet access for a good while. But alas, my life depends on e-mail and keeping in touch with people via 10,000 modes of electronic communication. As Drew Barrymore puts it in He's Just Not That Into You, it's exhausting.

2. This may be totally wimpy for me to say (and please give me your input, happy blog reader), but I don't know that I could make wedding photography my career while I'm single. It makes me feel incredibly weak to say that. And don't get me wrong-- my heart fills with joy for these couples whose weddings I photograph. Their love is so precious and beautiful. But the effect of seeing SO MANY couples who are truly, blissfully happy together makes me feel WAY more alone than I actually am. Maybe that's the two-weddings-in-one-weekend talking. Does that make me the weakest person on the planet? Because that's how I feel. I so don't want to be like that.

In that same vein, here's a passage from A Tree Grows in Brooklyn I thought was good. Note to self: don't settle for a man you really love, who doesn't really love you.

"Johnny gave her a courtesy dance... Feeling his arms around her and instinctively adjusting herself to his rhythm, Katie knew that he was the man she wanted. She'd ask nothing more than to look at him and to listen to him for the rest of her life. Then and there, she decided that those privileges were worth slaving for all her life. Maybe that decision was her great mistake. She could have waited until some man came along who felt that way about her. Then her children would not have gone hungry; she would not have had to scrub floors for their living and her memory of him would have remained a tender shining thing. But she wanted Johnny Nolan and no one else and she set out to get him."

Now it is 1 a.m. See what technology is doing? Ruining my life and depriving me of sleep. Never mind that I have free will or anything.

With love and wanting to get the idea of marriage out of my head for now,


  1. Bristol on June 11, 2009 at 2:28 PM

    i read a tree grows in brooklyn this semester, and i LOVED it.

  2. Emerly Sue on June 13, 2009 at 11:21 PM

    I started it. I've liked what I've read so far.