I have an irrational love for the beach. I tell people that the beach makes me feel akin to Alec Baldwin in that episode of Friends where he's overly excited about EVERYTHING. You know the one.

It's just a combination of all these wonderful tiny things happening simultaneously. And I want to list them because maybe it will feel like I'm back at the beach.

-The ocean. It's so huge and miraculous and calming to me.
-The feeling of calm/smallness when you're in the ocean looking out, and you see nothing but vast, vast ocean and sky. Especially if the clouds are good.
-Tan lines
-Sun warming your skin
-Constant cooling breeze
-Getting out of the cold water and laying in the sun to dry off
-Salty, sandy, messy hair
-Those partly cloudy days where the sun bakes you, but then a cloud comes and gives you a little bit of shade and cool.
-Tiny children strutting around in the sand!!!
-Getting into a lovely book
-The range of motion you have when you're swimming.
-Jumping over really big waves, or swimming through them
-When you lay on your stomach and close your eyes, and you get the ambient sound of the ocean, families playing and lifeguards whistling at people to get away from the pier

I really love that life is dotted with these moments-- things that are really beautiful. I am starting to get past my materialistic self a little bit and see that I don't have to buy a shirt or a pair of earrings at Target to have something pretty. I can take it in everywhere, and if I have my camera, I can preserve that moment of beauty forever.

Just thoughts.

With love and finishing A Tree Grows in Brooklyn (FINALLY!),

1 Comment

  1. Emerly Sue on June 23, 2009 at 3:56 PM

    OH. I know the one. And yay for the end of A Tree Grows in Brooklyn.