I have never realized the importance of just walking around with a camera as much as I have this semester. Spending some time with my camera, aside from the stress of photojournalism class, is so therapeutic. Plus I just love being outdoors. When I found myself feeling kind of bummed out recently, I went to Google maps, zoomed in to the Chapel Hill area, saw a patch of green and decided, "I'm going there." So I did. These photos are of no consequence, really, but it was just an exercise in learning how to see, and separating photography from stress for a little while. 

(this is nature telling me it loves me. aww.)

(not quite as therapeutic, but whatevs.)

With love and nature calming me down,

1 Comment

  1. Emerly Sue on February 22, 2009 at 6:30 PM

    your photos are beautiful.