You are not that distinguishable from North Carolina except that you are flat and warmer and have fewer trees!

Oh man. You guys. My hotel room. Is off the chain. You may be thinking, "Holiday Inn Express, Megan, you crazy fool." But I have TWO ultra-comfortable beds, a flat screen tv and the most wonderful bathroom ever. 

(my sleepy-eyed sentiments after napping in the other bed that looks identical to the first.)

And you also must remember that my previous lodgings were hostels... time for a trip down memory lane thanks to Hostel World!!!!

(graffiti hostel, Barcelona. hahaaaa!)

(and my personal favorite, Stockholm's prison hostel! A hostel in an old prison!
 Which would have been much more normal had it not been for the very dark lighting and creepy mannequins EVERYWHERE. Reason number 143089 to love Stockholm.)

This is what happens when you're staying by yourself in a hotel and the conference hasn't started yet. I am crazy.

But now you, blog reader, can understand why I am so stoked about this hotel.

ALSO I learned today of the only possible thing that could disappoint me ever about this conference. JAMES NACHTWEY was GOING to come, but has gone to the Middle East to cover warfare over there. HOLY CRAP, I wish I didn't know this!!!!! He is like my ultimate inspiration in photojournalism. sldfijaslkdfjlaskdjfl;askdjflksjdf;laksjdf ARGH! Stupid facebook group that filled me in. Oh well I'm still super excited. But DANG. 

With love and yay-photojournalism!,

1 Comment

  1. Anonymous on February 28, 2009 at 2:47 PM

    Woohoo FORT WORTH!!! You go Megan. Just to let you know, you inspire me. Every time I see your writing or makes me feel like I can accomplish big things. Thank you for that! :)