Today, today, ho, hum.

I finished my second-to-last exam. And I bought a cap and gown. And I fell asleep to the rain, which was a totally awful idea because I have a final at 8 tomorrow morning that I MUST do well on. Rain, why must you soothe me so?

I bought a book of stories by Franz Kafka today. I feel like I need to be well versed in Kafka before I move to Prague.

(Move to Prague! Goodness gracious.)

And I need to find a part-time job. I have been alerted to the fact that I'm really picky about what I want to do (I don't want to be stuck in some sterile, air-conditioned, white-walled office or retail store doing something I hate all day). I would like to be busy, or to be outside, or to be organizing things (seriously, weird, but I really wouldn't mind being a receptionist for a summer). Just... not hating my days stuck inside while the summer sun is beckoning me to romp around outside.

My words are really silly today.

But really, I just need a job. 

And now, I will lock myself away in Barnes and Noble, with a white mocha, for quite a while to study Media Ethics. My last parking-myself-in-a-bookstore-to-study! Sad.

Also, I will forever associate James Taylor with my lovely Carolina, and every time I hear him I get all sentimental. Un. Healthy.

With love and James Taylor making me depressed,

1 Comment

  1. Emerly Sue on May 6, 2009 at 6:40 PM

    lol. Franz Kafka.