Currently wanting to live in: this photo

photo from black*eiffel

Can I take a moment to briefly sing the praises of Because I need serious help with budgeting, and when you link it to your bank account it shows you how much you spend on food, gas, entertainment, shopping, etc. by automatically sifting through and categorizing your checking acct. transactions! Amaaaazing! I always ask WHERE my money goes, and Mint is all, "let me show you!" AND it's free.

I am thankful for my friends. I love them dearly.

I think today I might drive around and take pictures, because that's fun and therapeutic. Maybe this evening. 

Ooh, and I'm second-shooting my first wedding this weekend! I'm quite excited!!! 

(Please note that it is now 7:52. I woke up at 6:15 and couldn't go back to sleep. WORST FEELING EVER, because I only got like 5 hours of sleep!)

I have nothing really substantial to say, other than I need a new pair of jeans, and I'm glad summer's here.

And my Toms came in the mail. I have happy feet. 

With love and things to do,